•   Concussion 

    A concussion is a kind of brain injury that can be caused by a bump or hit to the head, or by a blow to another part of the body with force enough to shake the head. Concussions can appear in any sport and can look differently in each person, and while most concussions get better with rest (over 90% of athletes make a full recovery), all head injuries should be taken seriously. Signs and symptoms of a concussion may show up immediately following the injury, or may take hours or days to fully appear. Nationwide data shows that many catastrophic head injuries are a direct result of injured athletes returning too soon to physical activity or play after not having fully recovered from the first head injury.

    All AB Miller coaches receive training on concussions to ensure that they can recognize signs and symptoms of a concussion should it happen during practices or competitions. Also, AB Miller ensures that a yearly concussion and head injury information sheet is signed and returned by the student athlete and parent or guardian before the athlete is cleared for participation.

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