• Health Bulletins and Announcements


    Asthma is one of the leading causes of school absenteeism as well as the number one reason children go to the emergency room. Arrowhead Regional Medical Center and San Bernardino County in association with the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America have implemented a new approach to pediatric asthma management by establishing a program that has provided free care to FUSD students via an “asthma clinic on wheels”. The Breathmobile staff consists of a physician who is a board certified allergist, a nurse and respiratory therapist who are specially trained in asthma case management. The Breathmobile provides coordinated case identification, structured mobile office visits, diagnostic testing, physical exam, pharmacological therapy and student/family education in asthma management.

    Health Screenings and Referral

    • Mandated vision and hearing screening for first, second, fifth, eight, tenth or eleventh, and newly enrolled students
    • Color vision screening for 2nd grade boys
    • Vision, hearing, health and developmental assessments, and updates
    • Mandated scoliosis screening
    • Dental Screening
    • Assessments and planning for students with special health conditions

    Specialized Health Care Procedures

    • Individualized Student Health Plans: These plans are developed by the School Nurse and parents of children with special health needs. The goal is the meet the health needs while at school. Included are emergency plans and disaster plans.
    • Specialized Health Care Procedures: If a child has special health needs, such as requiring blood sugar testing at school because of diabetes, or insulin administration, these services can be performed or monitored. Other procedures might include but are not limited to catheterization, gastrostomy tube feeding, tracheostomy suctioning, oxygen administration, and oxygen saturation monitoring and ventilator support.

    Health Alerts

    • Ebola:  Due to the outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa and recent cases here in the United States the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health (DPH) is aware of parent’s concerns for their children while at school. The health and safety of our students is our priority. Therefore, the DPH is providing important information that parents should know about Ebola, partnering with schools and community members to safeguard all students.
    • New Seventh Grade Immunization Requirements-Pertussis Booster: Assembly Bill 354 became law September 30, 2010. This law requires all students entering 7th grade to provide proof of receiving a Tdap Booster shot before starting school. Whooping cough continues to be widespread in California, so the California Department of Public Health recommends all Californians 10 years and older receive a booster shot. Visit your Private Physician, Community Clinics, Public Health Immunization Clinics and FUSD Comprehensive Health Clinic to receive your booster before school starts. Bring in proof to the school health offices or to Comprehensive Health or the Health Clinic/Enrollment Services at the District Office.
    • Ask us about other recommended immunizations for children, adolescents or adults:
    • Oral Health Assessment:  California law (Education Code Section 49452.8) states your child must have a dental check-up by May 31 of his/her first year in public school. A California Licensed dental professional operating within his scope of practice must perform the check-up and fill out Section 2 of the Oral Health Assessment Form. If your child had a dental check-up in the 12 months before he/she started school, ask your dentist to fill out Section 2. If you are unable to get a dental check-up for your child, fill out Section 3.
    • Type 2 Diabetes Information:  California Education Code 49452.7 requires all incoming 7th grade students to receive information regarding type 2 diabetes. Until a few years ago, type 2 diabetes was rare in children, but is becoming more common, especially for overweight youth. Risk factors associated with increased risk for type 2 diabetes are being overweight, family history of diabetes, inactivity and certain specific racial/ethnic groups. Healthy lifestyle choices can help prevent the development of this and other disease. Visit the California Department of Education website for information sheets in multiple languages: