Authorized Uses of FUSD Equipment and Software

  • Technology provides students with access to people and material from all over the world. We believe that information and interaction promotes educational excellence and is consistent with the goals of the district. The Internet does include some material that is not appropriate for students. Efforts are taken to protect students from inappropriate materials, but it is impossible to completely protect students from material that is not consistent with FUSD goals. Students will use the Internet within an educational activity, such as performing research, developing projects, and disseminating information.

    You and your student have signed the Student Acceptable Use Agreement and a One to One Distribution Agreement at the beginning of the school year, which lists the acceptable uses of any FUSD owned equipment. Listed here are some of the expectations and responsibilities. A copy of the agreement may be obtained by clicking on this link: Student Acceptable Use Agreement (English, Spanish) , or by visiting , then selecting the “For Students” tile. The SAUA can be found under the “FUSD Student Resources” section.

    Approved software and Microsoft applications can be accessed through the FUSD Software Center and FUSD APP Store which are located on the student laptop. 

    Rules of Responsible Technology Behavior

    • Be Polite. Never send messages that are unkind.
    • Respect the rights of others. Do not interfere with anyone’s use of technology. Do not access anyone’s files without their permission.
    • Always use the Internet under the supervision of a teacher or other school staff.
    • NEVER give the address, phone number, or last name of yourself or other students or staff.
    • Use appropriate language.
    • Use of technology is for educational purposes only.
    • Recreational games are prohibited. Technology will be used to promote learning of school-related subjects and support activities, as approved by the school board.
    • Be a responsible Internet citizen. You are not allowed to send or collect obscene, abusive, or threatening material or activities supporting racism, sexism, or any other form of discrimination.
    • Do not use any district computers to access online communities including, but not limited to, FaceBook, Instagram, Snapchat and Tik Tok.
    • Do not use any district computers to search for and/or use proxy applications to bypass FUSD’s firewall and Internet filtering systems.
    • Follow the rules of the school and the district, as well as local, state, and federal law.
    • You can’t use school technology for commercial, or profit-making activities, unless specifically agreed to by the district.
    • Help others be responsible citizens. If you see anything or anyone that does not follow these rules, immediately tell the teacher or other adult who is supervising you.

    District technicians will not service or repair any personal computer equipment. No software that is deemed by the Technology Department to be for personal use will be supported under any circumstances.

    If such software is installed on District equipment, a technician may remove it from the computer. Any damage caused by use on the FUSD network is the responsibility of the owner.

    The student and guardian are responsible for the security of the equipment when it is not being used. FUSD does not guarantee the privacy or security of any item stored on or transmitted by any privately owned computing devices. Any damage to the equipment is the responsibility of the individual.